10 - 12 serving
1. Preheat the oven to 170 fan bake (gas mark 5).
2. Blend the oats and Apple Crumble Super Food mixture until fine.
3. Add the salt and a twist of pepper.
4. Measure the water, add the oil.
5. Pour into the oat mixture and combine until everything comes together into a ball of dough.
6. Roll out and cut into 3 mm rounds.
7. Place onto a baking sheet and cook for 15-18 minutes, turning half way through, until light golden.
8. Cool on a wire rack. Makes 10 – 12. Delicious served with cheese.
Our high-protein superfoods are born from a passion for real filling foods and an approach to wellbeing that makes room for everyone at the table. That’s why we believe that when it comes to your health journey, you make the rules. Our products are here to support you in reaching your goals.
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