· By Liz O'Callaghan
The Treasured Journey
Welcome, treasured friends! I’m excited to share with you the journey that has taken my brand from High Protein Breakfast Company to our wonderful new brand, Treasured Morning.
With the recent launch, I can’t help but reflect on the journey of rediscovery my business has been on so far starting with my own wellness journey and the creation of the High Protein Breakfast Company. Behind the rebrand is a story of self-discovery filled with many life lessons, magical moments, and adventurous decisions all of which I’m excited to share with you!
Over the past 18 months I have been delving deeply into the purpose and meaning behind our business. Like pulling at a loose thread, creating Treasured Morning began with a lot of unravelling, contemplation, and discovery! Here’s where it all began.
My own wellness journey
My story starts with my own journey of weight loss many years ago. After shifting my focus beyond the idea of ‘getting skinny’, to really understanding what nutrients my body needed, I realised there were very few healthy options on the market. So, I set out to create my own.
The journey of crafting a high-protein breakfast cereal was a huge process of trial and discovery! I decided to focus on creating a cereal packed with protein — the building block of an energetic morning. I also knew that a nourishing cereal had no room for fillers, puffs or artificial colours, sweeteners and flavours. Also, it needed to taste good!
Eventually, I landed on a recipe that provided all the nutritional value I needed to keep me full while tasting great. I began by using free-range egg whites as a source of protein, before switching to hemp protein and hemp hearts. From my humble kitchen, the High Protein Breakfast Company was born! Little did I know, this was only the beginning of my story.
The rebirth of a new business
After several years of running my business based from Auckland (and making many mistakes along the way) I made the move to Taranaki, inspired by how supportive the region is of championing local businesses. Uprooting my life and my business was huge but one of the best decisions I’ve ever made!
From the majestic mountains, glistening coastline and peaceful sunrises, Taranaki’s transformative nature was all around me. With a high protein start to the day, and surrounded by new experiences in nature, I was embarking on a more creative, spiritual, communal chapter of my life.
Sharing the importance of a high protein breakfast was a big part of the original brand. But, when a friend mentioned that they wished they could start their business again I had a moment of clarity. I wanted to build a business that was about more than a healthy cereal or a single ingredient. I was so proud of how far the High Protein Breakfast Company had come but knew in my heart that it was time to part ways. Far from being scared, I followed my intuition and embraced a journey of self-discovery, this time for my business!
Embracing the unknown
My mission stayed the same: to fuel people’s day with a healthy high protein cereal. But this time the focus was bigger. I wanted to help people turn their ordinary mornings into extraordinary moments they can treasure.
In Taranaki, sunrises are more than just awe-inspiring natural phenomena; they represent shared experiences and a deep sense of community. Here, locals and visitors come together to enjoy the stillness and vibrancy of a new dawn and all the possibilities a new day brings.
Inspired by the powerful symbolism of a Taranaki sunrise, the Treasured Morning business was born! Sunrises serve as the inspiration behind our creative process. Each sunrise brings with it the promise of new beginnings, some morning me-time and the opportunity to build a morning routine that fuels your day. Our creations are born from intention, passion and purpose, and lovingly crafted to help you be the best version of yourself.
A truly Taranaki brand
With a new business name and clearly defined vision came a need for a distinctive new look. Our packaging, website and logo take inspiration from the distinct landscapes and of course, the vibrant skies of Mt Taranaki. Featuring a sloping mountain that, like Mt Taranaki, stands out proudly over the local landscape, we also took inspiration in the fading blues, pinks and dark earthy colours found during your morning me-time. It’s an homage to where our creations are made and the community that has supported and inspired our small business in so many ways.
This community has been integral to allowing us to soar to new heights! It’s been a delight to be part of a region that supports small businesses and artisans. This year we’ve built a commercial kitchen so that we can make our creations in the place that has inspired our journey. Building new premises for Treasured Morning proved to be a great choice! In May 2023, we were invited to participate in Taranaki’s Taste and Tales event.
I was ecstatic to be able to invite our supporters to take a behind-the-scenes look at where our creations are made. We were able to invite people into the Treasured Morning kitchen, show off our handmade heavenly creations are share freshly made samples straight from the oven. Being part of Taste and Tales felt like a real coming-of-age moment for us!
I hope you’re able to take inspiration from the Treasured Morning story. Whether that’s by embracing the magic each sunrise has to offer, viewing life as one big adventure or finding the strength to start again. Nourishing my body with the right foods has been an essential part of the journey.
Liz x