By Liz O'Callaghan

Can Intention Shape the Way We Experience Food?

A Fascinating Study on Energy-Infused Chocolate

We all know that food nourishes our bodies, but what if it could also nourish our energy and well-being in a deeper way? A fascinating study set out to test this idea—investigating whether chocolate infused with positive intentions could actually enhance mood and energy.

The results? People who ate the intentionally infused chocolate reported feeling more energised, less fatigued, and in a better mood compared to those who ate regular chocolate.

Let’s dive into the details of this unique study and what it means for the way we think about food.

The Study: Testing the Power of Intention in Chocolate
How the Study was Conducted

Published in Explore: The Journal of Science & Healing, this study explored whether thoughts, energy, and positive intentions could be "imprinted" onto food in a way that affects those who consume it. The experiment was carefully designed to ensure that any effects were real, not just imagined.

To do this, researchers used a double-blind, placebo-controlled method. That may sound complex, but it simply means that neither the participants nor the researchers knew who was eating the infused chocolate and who was eating regular chocolate. This prevented any expectations from influencing the results. The placebo-controlled aspect means that some participants ate regular chocolate that hadn’t been treated in any way, acting as a comparison group.

A total of 62 participants took part in the study. Each person received small amounts of chocolate to eat twice a day over three days. Before the experiment began, participants recorded their baseline mood and energy levels. They continued tracking how they felt daily while consuming the chocolate, allowing researchers to measure any changes.

The key difference between the two groups was how the chocolate had been treated. Some of the chocolate was left completely untouched, while the rest was infused with positive intentions using three unique methods. Monks meditated over the chocolate, directing thoughts of energy, balance, and well-being. Blessings were performed, similar to the traditions of blessing food in many cultures. A specialised intention-imprinting technique was also used to direct positive energy into the chocolate.

Throughout the experiment, the participants had no idea which type of chocolate they were eating, making any changes in mood or energy levels more meaningful.

The Results: Can Intention Really Change Food?

At the end of the study, researchers found a clear difference between the two groups. The people who ate the infused chocolate felt noticeably more energised and reported feeling less fatigued than before. Many said they woke up feeling refreshed, experienced fewer afternoon energy crashes, and felt a general boost in their mood and well-being compared to their normal routine.

In contrast, those who ate the regular chocolate did not show the same level of improvement. The findings suggest that intention and energy may play a role in how we experience food, an idea that has been present in many cultures for centuries but is only now being explored through science.

Bringing This Concept to Life: Our Reiki-Infused Granola

Inspired by this remarkable study, we wanted to explore how intention could be combined with the power of real, nourishing food. That’s why we’ve created a Limited Edition Reiki-Infused Granola, a unique, one-off release designed to bring together nutrition, energy, and well-being in every bite.

Each bag of this special granola is personally blessed by our Reiki Master and Production Manager, who infuses it with Reiki energy, focusing on love, balance, and positive intention. Like all our granolas, it’s made with clean, nutrient-rich ingredients, free from puffs, fillers, and added sugar, so it nourishes the body as well as the spirit. This isn’t just food—it’s a mindful experience, designed to bring warmth, positivity, and energy to your mornings.

Since every batch is personally blessed, this is a very limited edition release.

How to Get Your Reiki-Infused Granola

This is a one-time special release, and we’ve made only a small batch of our Reiki-Infused Granola. You can order directly from our website by entering the code REIKI at checkout to receive an infused batch. If you prefer to shop in person, you can find it exclusively at Down to Earth Organics, located at 460 Devon Street East, Strandon, New Plymouth.

This unique granola is available for a limited time while stocks last. If you’ve ever noticed a difference when eating food made with love and care, we’d love to hear about your experience. Let us know how it makes you feel.